In 2018, the State of New Jersey denied Ted Petrock a massage license for lying about his criminal history.​
In their letter to Petrock denying his application for a massage license, the New Jersey Attorney General's Office stated that Petrock engaged in "dishonesty, deception, or misrepresentation" by failing to disclose a prior arrest.​​​
Petrock's criminal record includes a domestic violence arrest in Hillsborough.​​​​
Was Petrock convicted for domestic violence? Did he do jail time for domestic violence? He owes Manville an answer.​
"As a survivor of domestic violence, the fact that people are questioning Petrock's arrest or trying to defend his actions is shocking. Domestic violence is a unique crime because there are economic and other reasons why cases don't go to trial. Whether he entered a plea deal, entered PTI, or was found guilty or not is irrelevant. It's an insult to me and every survivor, to every woman that is in a situation now and can't get out, and especially to the ones that lost their lives at the hands of their spouse.
I heard the "I'm sorry," the "I'll never do it again," and the "I love you." It took me three years to get out of that relationship, and when I did, I never looked back. I never use the word "victim" because I'm a survivor.
The people who serve on your Council are the faces of Manville. Remember that when you go to the polls. A vote for Petrock and Asher is a vote for domestic violence. Our mayor should be ashamed of himself that he turns a blind eye to domestic violence." -Tina Lazzeri
Read the Hillsborough Police Department OPRA records concerning Petrock's arrest and the Attorney General's 2018 letter to Petrock below:​
Read more about the corrupt establishment Failing For Manville Party candidates HERE.